Urology Services

As a premier urologist in Charlottesville and central Virginia, Dr. Cisu can diagnose and treat the full range of urological conditions. In the rare case that Dr. Cisu cannot help you with a particular diagnosis, he can help get you referred to the appropriate sub-specialist and get your foot in the door.

Robotic Surgery & Cancer

Dr. Cisu performs robotic surgeries on the kidney, bladder, and prostate using the da Vinci robot. His skillset along with his renowned five-star patient care have helped thousands of patients. 

The da Vinci Robotic System is as ingenious as its namesake - providing advanced care with minimal pain, time, and blood loss while also ensuring maximum efficacy and faster healing time. Most of our patients go home within 24 to 48 hours.
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Enlarged Prostate

Enlarged prostate (or BPH) is extremely common among men as they age. As the normally walnut-sized organ grows, it begins to obstruct the bladder. This causes symptoms that are at best a nuisance and at worst can lead to medical emergency. 

These symptoms may include frequent urination, weaker flow, dribbling, or waking up at night to go. In severe cases, men may have blood in their urine, form stones in their bladder, or even need a catheter.

Dr. Cisu has an unrivaled suite of solutions to deal with prostates of all sizes, from behavioral modifications to medications to a variety of procedures and surgeries tailored to your prostate shape & size and specific needs.
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Kidney Stones

Kidney and ureteral stones are the most painful and prevalent of urologic disorders. 

Due to high humidity, dietary changes, and increased minerals in the water supply, Charlottesville and the Shenandoah Valley are home to some of the highest rates of kidney stone production in the country.

Some patients are not so lucky as to pass their stone spontaneously. Dr. Cisu has extensive experience in quickly evaluating and treating kidney stones in the fastest, most minimally invasive method possible.

Once the kidney stone is treated, Dr. Cisu provides urine studies and stone analysis to prevent future kidney stones from forming. Dr. Cisu's number one goal is for you to never have a stone again!
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Men’s Health

Low energy levels? Sex drive stuck in neutral? Body not cooperating like it once did?

From erectile dysfunction to low testosterone, the best treatment is often improving your wellness on the whole, along with prescribed medications.

Dr. Cisu provides a complete men's health exam to help you feel like a new man, by being more like your old self again.
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Urinary Issues

Can't hold your urine anymore? Is your bladder just always active? Ever see blood in the urine, or been told that your urine test has small amounts of blood in it? Dealing with your first (or your 10th) urinary tract infection?

If so, then you probably should be seeing a urologist at least annually. Blood in the urine is alarming and requires a thorough work-up to see where it is coming from and why it is there. Overactive bladder and incontinence are incredibly disruptive to day-to-day living.

These are very common urologic concerns and nearly everyone can be helped.
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Other Conditions Treated

Epididymitis and Orchitis

Having ball pain?

If you are a male experiencing pain in the scrotum or testicle, then it might be attributed to epididymitis, orchitis, or a combination of the two.


Is your scrotum swollen?

Hydroceles are collections of fluid surrounding the testicle that can develop over time, or due to inflammation or injury within the scrotum. Although they are benign and non-cancerous, they can appear alarming and be quite bothersome.

Male Infertility

Concerned that your sperm aren't the best swimmers?

Infertility is a common yet complex problem affecting 15% of couples attempting to conceive a baby. A semen analysis and infertility work-up is a good idea if you've been trying for at least a year.

Peyronie's Disease

Noticing a bend or bump in your penis?

A man's penis is an important part of his identity as a man. Unfortunately, it is prone to injuries and problems just like any part of the body and can have an impact on a man's enjoyment of sex. There are different options for treatment depending on the severity of the curvature.

Bladder Cancer

Blood in the urine? Have a diagnosis of bladder cancer?

Dr. Cisu believes in early detection through simple office tests, cures whenever possible, and long-term follow up on a regular basis to ensure that the bladder tumors do not return. He uses the latest screening tests of the urine as well as in-office digital cystoscopes to ensure that the bladder is complete and thoroughly evaluated.

Kidney Cancer

Have you been told that you've got "a spot" on your kidney?

Most kidney tumors are silent, meaning they do not cause any pain or symptoms. It is important to tell the difference between a "cyst" and a "mass" on a kidney. Most kidney masses are cancerous and need a surgery to remove them. Dr. Cisu uses the da Vinci Robotic System to perform minimally-invasive procedures to remove either the entire kidney or, if possible, just a part of the kidney that contains the cancerous tumor.